Theme Changer

High Quality Stylish HTML Components

Dark Backgrounds
Light Backgrounds

Button Components

Dropdown Menu
Modal Popup Window

Youtube Component

FAQ Component

Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly is Launch Base?
How can I customize the boilerplate to fit my specific needs?
Is the boilerplate suitable for beginners?
How do I deploy my SaaS application built with the boilerplate?

Blog Component

Connected Cloud

Connected Cloud

Building Connected Clouds and Accelerating SaaS Startups

Grow Your Business Revenue

Grow Your Business Revenue

Get your first customers and start growing your startup.


Info List Component


Django Social Auth with O-Auth2

LaunchBase streamlines user registration and login with integrated OAuth2 support for popular platforms like Google, Twitter, and GitHub. Setting up user authentication is a breeze, allowing users to access your application with their existing social media accounts. Manage user profiles and associations easily using the Django admin panel.

Stripe Payments

Monetizing your SaaS application is simple with LaunchBase's Stripe payment and Django webhook integration. Handle one-time transactions and recurring subscriptions with ease, so you can focus on building features instead of writing repetitive boilerplate code.

Frontend Components

LaunchBase includes a collection of essential, customizable frontend components to accelerate your development process. From responsive navbars and footers to intuitive modals, these components enhance the user experience while keeping things simple. Built with Bootstrap, CSS, and HTML, they ensure fast performance and easy integration.

Database Solutions

Django's powerful ORM provides compatibility with leading databases like PostgreSQL, SQLite, and MySQL. Choose the best fit for your application, and LaunchBase handles the rest. As your app scales, Django's database-agnostic approach allows for easy switching between databases, ensuring flexibility and scalability.


Deploying your LaunchBase application is straightforward with Docker containerization. Package your app and its dependencies into portable containers, ready for deployment to popular hosting providers like AWS, GCP, or Digital Ocean. LaunchBase's comprehensive documentation guides you through the process, ensuring a smooth transition from development to production.

Shop Component

41% discount

Pro Launch

$240 $139

Stripe Payments

6 Themes




Oauth Users

Admin Panel

Custom Updates

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Custom Launch

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Shop Setup

Custom Themes




Oauth Setup

Admin Panel

Custom Updates

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Login Component

Hero Component

Launch Your Start Up In Days Not Months

Stop wasting time and start launching products. LaunchBase is designed to get you off the ground and making money as fast as possible.

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$100 off first 50 customers (14 left)

Hero Image

CTA Component

Footer Component